My Red Queen Sculpture

I’ve decided to make a page dedicated to The Red Queen Sculpture, she is going to be a part of my mental health and healing process as is all of my artistic creations. I’ll be posting updates here and everything New will be on top, think of it like reading a Japanese anime right to left except this will be bottom to top, lol. I’ll date every Post to remind myself when I created that piece and mark the transition to the show date next November 2024.

Welcome to, The Red Queen update some of my Inspiration
for My Red Queen, Bones, lots of bones Stepping out instyle
readymade to crush your heart wrapping up for plastering
weighing her down got a sinking feeling poses and jawlines
then figuring it out. And now for the windows
to the soul, Inspiration comes from anything, bartender
Now to slit open thy face an open your maw scoop out your throat emerge now welcome the void embrace the abyss
now to cut out your heart and leave the emotional scars
that were placed there by others now to cut out your heart
and leave the emotional scars that were placed there by others
Thank You! for watching
May we all be blessed with what we deserve, Namaste

follow me for more on

and on WordPress at

and look for more  @aidesigns2074 on Instagram and TikTok

Future updates

Update new photos November 20, 2023

The paper machete process has begun Paper mache has begun on YouTube

Starting group of photos many taken between September and October 2023, all updates will be above this, similar to an anime lol.

Start of the Red Queen Sculpture